True Detective v. Fargo the Series v. Themselves
Happy Holidays! It's been a long time since the last post. With a new baby and a new job it's been very difficult to form a single,...

The Master v. The Dark Knight
DING! DING! DING! In this corner! Clocking in at two hours and thirty two minutes, and boasting a posthumous Oscarâ„¢ for Heath Ledger's...

The Knick & Ocean's 12: Soderbergh at Play
THE KNICK (Season 2, Oct 2015), is another stand out show in this brave new era of cinematic TV, which has a distinct look. In that...

Zodiac and the nature of Obsession
Let’s start by saying, that as of this moment, it’s a damn shame that NBC canceled, "Hannibal," and it is further disappointing that...

Manifesto and Hannibal (R.I.P. from NBC)
Art by Verauko. Greetings all cinephiles, my name is Will Tordella. I’m from Maryland. I attended The School of The Art Institute of...